Assisting students
There are many ways to assist students. Interested individuals or groups can support individual students and will receive letters from the student, updating them on her/his progress in school.
Or, people can send monthly donations, which will assist many students. Or, a donation can be made once a year, either for an individual student or several students. It depends on the donor’s preferences. Everything is greatly appreciated!
What Your $$ do for students
$1 – 4 pens or about 18 pencils
$13 – school uniform or school bag or school shoes
$16 – scientific calculator
$35 – secondary school fees or
House rent for 10 months
$40 – high school fees
$50 – GCE exam registration fees
$60 – secondary textbooks
$80 – high school textbooks
$50 – helps a student to register at a university (One year costs about $1,100.)
These prices were calculated when the exchange rate was $1=450 CFA francs. Exchange rate fluctuates.