I am 26 years old, 2nd Year Sociology Student at the University of Yaounde I. I attended Primary School in my native village Ngendzen-Mbam. From there I went to Government Secondary School Tatum which now is Government High School Tatum. I entered Secondary School in the 1996/1997 academic year and in Forms Two Madam Pavla Zakova-Laney came as a Peace Corps Volunteer to teach us. This made us, her students, to be very excited as we boasted of having a white teacher. She taught us Biology and many students performed well. In fact Biology became one of my best subjects as she worked hard to see us succeed. With her relentless efforts, most students enjoyed biology very much as biology classes became very interesting to all.
With the support of Educare-Africa, I and other brilliant students distinguished ourselves from our classmates and we were made known to other students in the school as we received numerous prizes every year during the prize giving ceremonies. At times, we even invited our parents to come and take part in the prize giving ceremonies. With the support from Educare-Africa, I and other good students received assistance in form of financial assistance, text books, pens, exercise books, school bags etc. These prizes greatly reduced the burden that my parents spent for my school needs. Thanks to Educare-Africa, I always got my school requirements even before going to the next class.
Educare-Africa has helped many students in Government Secondary School Tatum to buy their school needs like uniforms, school fees, books and other essentials. So this encouraged many parents to send their children to school. With all these, it was thanks to Madam Pavla Zakova-Laney that we received this aid, if not some of the students might had dropped from school for lack of means. She even went as far as visiting some of our neighboring villages and greeted our parents. In fact she has been such a lovely mother to us. My God bless her for this good work. In Forms two and three we had excursions to a beautiful Lake Oku, Bamendjing Reservoir and Douala-Limbe respectively sponsored by Madam Pavla. This made most students to gain new experience of life in big cities as well as study the Crater Lake Oku and its mountain forest.
In fact Pavla Zakova-Laney has done a marvelous job for students in Africa and I pray that the good Lord may provide her more resources and good health to continue with this tremendous support. To Educare-Africa, I say “More grease to your elbows and long lived your services.” As we continue education we are asking for your support as before so that the work you began should be completed. May God bless Educare-Africa for the assistance it has given to me in my school life and I still look forward to get more support while in school.
Thanks to Educare-Africa and especially to Pavla Zakova-Laney, the Founder and Full-time volunteer President and Executive Director.
By Wirmvem Precedis Bongsuiru
2nd Year Student Sociology
University of Yaounde I
Tel: +237 750 45 709
Email: wprecedis@hotmail.com