On Saturday, April 30th Thomas Maika and I met with several former and current students. To support our work in Cameroon an additional meeting was planned for July 2nd.
On May 1st Thomas and I traveled to Bamenda. I met with Mr. Kevin, our field coordinator, then picked up funds, purchased basic school supplies and science lab equipment and prepared for our journey to Tatum. On May 18th we drove to G.H.S. Kedjom Keku to give prizes. On May 19th we traveled to Tatum.
Basic school supplies for the 113 best students from G.H.S. Kedjom Keku, G.H.S. Talla, G.B.H.S. Tatum, G.H.S. Nseh, G.H.S. Mbu-Warr, G.H.S. Taku and G.H.S. Ntumbaw were purchased and given during prize giving ceremonies between May 18th and May 27th. Donated solar lamps, clothing, toothbrushes, toothpaste, additional school supplies and other donations were distributed to over 360 students. About 220 staff members from these seven schools received pens for encouragement. Each school also received four boxes of chalk.
Thanks to Labdoo NGO in California, eight laptop computers were donated to G.H.S. Kedjom Keku, G.B.H.S. Tatum, G.H.S. Taku, G.S.S. Kuintar, G.S.S. Ntaaba, G.S.S. Mbawrong, I.C.C. Tatum and G.S.S. Mbohnso.
Two Wellesley College Book Awards were given to the best female science students from G.B.H.S. Kumbo and G.B.H.S. Ndu.
G.S.S. Kuintar, G.H.S. Lus, G.H.S. Ntumbaw and G.H.S. Mbu-Warr received science lab equipment. Nine rural secondary/high schools received new short wave radios donated by the Ears To Our World NGO from North Carolina. In 4 schools older radios were replaced with new ones.
On Wednesday, May 25th science laboratory equipment was purchased thanks to VWR Foundation and was donated by Educare-Africa to G.B.H.S. Ndu. It was big event that included songs, traditional dances, speeches, fundraising and the handing over of science laboratory equipment.
On Saturday, May 28th, we met with students and parents at G.B.H.S. Kumbo.
On June 1st we visited Mr. Denis Egbe, former principal of G.H.S. Mbu-Warr, who was transferred to G.H.S. Lus, and we handed over to the school some science lab equipment, a short wave radio and one solar lamp, donated by one of our board members. It took us three and half hours to get there on a terrible road. On our way back the truck we used broke down.
From June 13th until June 18th we met with students and parents in Tatum. On June 15th we met with parents and students at G.H.S. Mbu-Warr. On June 20th we traveled to Bamenda and on June 26th we met with parents and students from Bamenda. During my stay we chose 200 good students which included over 50 new outstanding students to assist in 2016/2017 school year.
We secured a piece of land with a beautiful view, where we will build Educare-Africa Resource Center, which will contain a public library, internet, computer lab, several guest rooms, dormitories, Educare-Africa office, bakery and much more. We hope to complete the first building by next year in May se we could use it during my 18th trip. We set aside some funds for this project together with community support and collaboration with several schools we have been assisting. The estimate for the first building is approximately $29,000. You can check the project proposal and a detail estimate when you click on "Tatum Project."
On Tuesday, June 28th Mr. Kevin and I traveled to Santa to meet 3 Peace Corps trainees that will be posted at G.B.H.S. Tatum, G.H.S. Talla and G.H.S. Ntumbaw. On Wednesday, June 29th Thomas and I traveled to Yaoundé. On June 30th Thomas and I visited the Peace Corps office and since it has been 20 years since I came to Cameroon as a Peace corps volunteer, a group photograph with all Peace Corps staff was taken. On July 2nd Thomas Maika and I met with Mrs. Marie-Therese Obama at her home. She is a professor at Pediatrics in the Medical school in Yaoundé and also Minister of Women's Empowerment and the Family since 2009. Mrs. Obama and I are both Wellesley College alumnae. We discussed her and our work. She is very supportive of our work in Cameroon.
As a side project, Justin Tagne from the Cameroon Baptist Center in Bamenda and a member of an NGO called Born Free Cameroon, and I organized the handing over of donations from the Reid Veterinary Hospital in Albany, Oregon. On Sunday, June 26th, Justin and I rented a car and visited many dog owners and breeders in Bamenda to check on their dogs and assist with some basic medical care and equipment.
Note: Check a few video clips below and soon photographs will be posted as well.
UPCOMING ASSISTANCE: We hope to assist about 180 secondary/high school students and about 20 university students. Approximately $15,000 would take care of these students' essential educational needs. Since the deadline for payment of school fees is in mid-September, it would be desirable to have the funds available before September 9th. If the school fees and the GCE exam registration fees are not paid on time, students are often sent home from school, which has a detrimental effect on their exam results.
We will keep you informed about our building project in Cameroon. You can check on our progress on our blog.
You can view some of our activities on the following video clips: