Educare Africa makes it easy for you to donate via the web by using JustGive.org.
Thanks for your contribution!
We will use these resources to:
- buy textbooks in Cameroon (they are not available in the U.S.A.)
- purchase school supplies in Cameroon (it saves $ for shipping)
- assist needy students with paying for rent, food, clothing, kerosene, health care, shoe repair, transport to their villages when school is over
- assist brilliant students in applying to American colleges
Other Help
- You can also sponsor an individual student(s) either monthly or annually.
- If you know a group, club, leadership class, youth or women's group interested in our volunteer work in Cameroon, please contact Pavla [email: pavlazl@comcast.net ; or phone: (541) 924-9290] to set up a presentation about her Peace Corps and Educare-Africa activities in Cameroon.
- If you or someone you know would travel to Cameroon, you can bring some of these donations with you and drop them at Peace Corps office in Yaounde (near the Omnisport Stadium). Write on them “For EDUCARE-AFRICA,” attn. Cyprian. He will take care of these donations.
- You can become a PEN PAL for a student in Cameroon. They would love to have pen friends. Or you can find some pen friends and let us know. What you need to do to become a pen friend is to write a letter with your name, address, photograph and information about yourself (age, school, interests, family, beliefs, etc.) and send it to EDUCARE-Africa. We will find a match for you and you can just wait for your reply from a student from Cameroon.