We are still waiting for the situation in the English part of Cameroon, especially the NW Region, where we are based, to get resolved. In the meantime we continue assisting several students who are in school now: two future medical doctors, one nurse and two future veterinarians. Before the end of this year we will also assist a new student, Njilah Percy Bright, who is in a secondary school.
In addition, we are saving precious funds for our Community Resource Center project in Tatum and we will resume work as soon as it will be possible.
On Tuesday, October 29th, 2019, Pavla did a presentation about our volunteer work in Cameroon for the Optimist International Club in Albany, Oregon. Among other things she also talked about a book fundraiser she has been working on since her Peace Corps service ended in 2000. She had a rough draft since then and finally, after almost twenty years she found an editor, who is very much interested in working on this project. There were two reasons why Pavla wanted this book about her amazing life published. First, to encourage others who grew up believing they were stupid and had no self confidence to follow their hearts desires and never give up on their dreams.
Second, to possibly raise more funds for our work in Cameroon so many more children could get their education and change the world for better.
Below are current photographs of our furry guards in Tatum:
Rusty, August 2019
Sparky, August 2019
Kitty, August 2019