July 17, 2019

News/Updates July 2019

Following are a few updates and some news concerning various ways of giving.



This academic year we have been assisting several students who are currently in school. Two of them are future medical doctors, two future veterinarians and one nurse.


We have been collecting funds for our Community Resource Center building project in Tatum. We plan to resume the project as soon as the situation in the English speaking part of Cameroon is resolved. When more funds become available then greater progress we will be able to complete the project sooner.


Additional ways how to donate to Educare-Africa, EIN 93-1290101, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization


Retirement Funds Donations

After the age of 70 people have to use some of their retirement funds and then have to pay taxes on it. If they donate that sum to a charity they do not have to pay taxes on that money.

You don’t have to show income or pay taxes on amounts withdrawn from a traditional IRA or 401k if the amounts are transferred to a qualified charity.

Contact the custodian of your retirement account and have them do it. You should notify the custodian that you want to have them transfer from your retirement account directly to the charity.



Another way how you can support our work is through Smile: if you wish to donate to Educare-Africa, you need to start each shopping session at the URL http://smile.amazon.com, and they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.


            Thank you very much on behalf of many Cameroonians for your loving care and continuing kind and generous support! It is appreciated tremendously.

July 02, 2019

Visiting former Cameroonian Student

                   From L to R: Celsius, Jennifer, Jindra, Clara (child), Pavla, Louise & Tom

On Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 Louise, Jindra and I visited Celsius and his family in Gig Harbor, Washington. Celsius is one of the best of our former Cameroonian students. He has two degrees, one in physics and another in civil engineering. His wife Jennifer also has two degrees, one in public health and she is also a physician assistant. They met through our pen pal program and Jennifer visited him in Cameroon for the first time in 2009. They got married both in Cameroon and in the United States. They have a beautiful daughter Clara you can see on the photograph.

Celsius started a small business and apparently it is successful since they already have nine employees. Jen works with Celsius in this business and they decided they wanted to support Educare-Africa and set up regular donations from their e-Bay sales. They are dedicated to support education in Celsius beautiful country of Cameroon. I am very grateful.

We enjoyed our precious time together, some Cameroonian and American food prepared by both Celsius and Jen and discussed also our volunteer work in Cameroon.

Both Louise and Jindra are our dedicated and generous board members and my dear friends and we look forward to our next get together with Celsius and his family, at this time maybe in Albany or Corvallis.

We will keep you informed about the situation in Cameroon and our continuing work to assist many students and schools there.

Thank you all very much for your loving care and continuing kind and generous support! Together, we are changing the world one step at a time for better.

With much love, joy, peace, hope and gratitude,

Pavla & Educare-Africa Team